My first blog - Yay.. a milestone.

Hi everyone,
(well anyone who might actually be reading this which is possibly very few or even closer to none..oh well)
This is my very 1st blog...
*insert sarky enthusiastic gesture here eg. 'Jazz Hands'*

This is just kinda to let you know that you should take no notice to the way i write/speak. I use a mix of 'txt talk' & actual english.. It's not because I'm incapable of spelling properly.
It's actually due to the following:
A.when u use it in a txt you use less character space thus limiting message size/the length of the message as instead of it being say 2msgs long you can squash it into one by leaving a vowel out here & there or using 8 for words which have an 'ate' sound in them .This means it uses less credit (ooh economics)
B.its faster
& C. I'm used to using it - but I do not hand write it - that's just ridiculous. I also cudn't be arsed typing it all properly and i like to mix it up in such a way as most ppl can understand it w/o having to tilt their head to one side or use a code-breaker. I used to mix Irish & French up together when speaking them for the leaving cert - why? i dno it's hard enuf doin English speak w/o throwing in other languages on top of it.

As for my grammar & punctuation... I don't capitalise my 'i's all the time - why? cos i'm not a journalist or writing a book (you wudn't think it by the way I'm goin on but hows ever) so i feel there's no need for perfection.

I love full stops... makes it look like you're thinking about what to say next.. which is usually what i am actually doing cos words don't flow thru my brain like a babbling brook.. it's more like a kitchen tap that you turned on after a 2week holiday - blasting and spluttering out water cos there's an airlock sumwhere as it was switched off for so long.

I use 'and' and '&' why? - idk sometimes i like to use my finger acrobatic skills to press 'shift' and '7' buttons to make the '&' other times it's just like 'meh!... I've 'and' written now i'm not deleting it'.

I use punctuation where i shouldn't and forget to use it when it's ment to be used but shur who cares - I'm past the homework stage of my life now and I don't have a career in writing.. Yes you may think i'm single-handidly murdering the english language but honestly 'Am I bovvered??' - no... It's not my language and those who do own it are murdering it just fine by themselves w/o my help lol - the language which is meant to be mine is dying.. it's actually standing there looking @ the white light & debating with itself trying to decide whether or not to go in.. whatever way it makes it's mind up I'm not gonna be loosing sleep over it either I could never get my head around any of it anyway...

Anyhow - I'm finished talkin shite so i'm goin now, Au revoir agus sláinte. <- look I even put in the fáda :P


  1. LOL "jazz hands".

  2. I don't know whats wrong with ths effin thing, i can't even post a straight comment on my own blog wtf? ...... pain in the ass
    Think i have it fixed now though... finally

    Thanks for reading Amber :D
