Dog + Cat + Kittens + Tot = Spontanious Internal Combustion of mommy's brain

This little event happened last week... Can't remember what day but I do remember what i was doing before it began... I was reading this lovely lady's blog, you should read it, she's hilarious... Amber is so hilarious in fact that she is currently a nominee for Parents Best Funniest Mom Blog 2011 if you like her stuff you can vote for her here.. Anyways I was reading her blog about how her feelings & attitude towards her beloved cats have changed since mommyhood became her way of life... No sooner had i read it and all this happened...

Scene 1: sitting room... where the story begins.
Me (the mom)- reading Amber's posts on the net. Having a few chuckles here & there..
Cillian (the almost 2yr old aka my son) - messing with milk from the last of his cereal, milk ends up all down his front. Oh use crying over spilt milk right? Off momma goes to get clean clothes.

Scene 2 : Spare room aka Cillian's room (eventually... once he's out of the cot) aka where we throw the clean laundry & where it waits to be ironed or picked from... usually the latter comes 1st... {side note:Jingles (the cat) had kittens about 4 to 6 weeks ago, god knows where but she brought them home about a week & a half ago - now they 'live' under the bed in the spare room ...}
So I go into the spareroom to get clean clothes from 'The Pile'.. Cillian follows me in with Sox (the dog) in tow ( he must have him let in via the sitting room window..again) 

So we have :-
1 x Terrier cross (originally bred for finding & killing little furry things in hidey holes)... 
2 x 3.5week old Kittens (aka little furry things) in their 'hidey hole' under the bed.
plus 1 x mama cat.. 
Add to that -  me chasing Cillian around the room trying to get a top on over his (a bit bigger than average - yay genetics) head... 

The dog/cat/kitten scenario hasn't even dawned on me yet until I'm trying to get Cillian out of the cat's food when I see a set of claws striking from under the bed in Sox's direction - He yelps - I freak at the fact that 'F**K he could have got to the babies!!'.. & i start yelling at him to get out whilst informing him that its his own fault while he's looking very sorry for himself altogether... eventually he gets out of the room (after crawling at snails pace to get there).. Tail betwixt his legs.
I take a breather.. Cillian's still at the cat food so I bring him out to dress him in the sitting room.. as I walk out I notice a trail on the floor... Sox blood..(don't worry he's not bleeding to death its only a scratch)... She obviously got him.. 
*Feeling a bit sorry for Sox right now - but it fades quickly* 
Why, you ask.. well the plot thickens here -  
I go to get him from under the kitchen table but his speed restriction has disappeared & he runs out from under the table into the sitting room... & the trail continues (it's like a gorey twist on Hansel & Gretel) So I follow him.. he's behind the couch - I try to grab him, he takes off out the other side, back out of the room under the table...
Note Fa lala lala lala follow the red drip road Note ...
I try to catch him again *miss* he runs out.. around me.. I spin around to follow him in a circle back under the table.. I end up doing this 2 more times.. his ear is still bleeding... its starting to look like a murder scene & at this stage I'm starting to think that that's exactly what it's going to become in about 2seconds.. but just before I completely SNAP I catch him *by the tail - I didn't mean to but none-the-less I'm not letting go*.. I pull him out (he resembles yer one in the movie 'Drag Me To Hell'... you know the bit when like..she's being dragged to hell) & I put him back out the window... 
Drips of blood everywhere... I mop it up...Cillian's still not dressed so I go into the sitting room to finish what I was initially was doing.... but he's not in there when I go in... instead he comes in after me with one of the kittens.. by the tail.. I say 'No! put it down'.. kitten gets flung *spinning like a ninja throwing star* onto the floor with a thud... my heart stops.. Cillian is crying in hysterics -... I pick up the kitten - she's fine, thank god!.. She goes back in with her mom and Cillian is put in the naughty corner where he continues to cry hysterically and for added effect he throws in some angry screams .. Then the car passes the window... Daddy's home... I think I actually imploded at that point.

Eventually Cillian calmed down... Probably around the exact time Daddy walked in the sitting room door... Oh all over & forgotten about @ the sight of Daddy.. as per fecking usual?!?! I'm just the horrible Mammy person in the background extinguishing the smoke oozing from her ears... I then shared my fresh off the press experience with Amber and she thought I should start a blog too and share stuff with you.. So you can blame her if you think I'm just awful.

Anyway enough for now... Mind yer selves... bye!


  1. Yay! Congrats on starting your blog & thanks for the mention!

  2. No probs Amber, you deserve recognition for making so many people laugh (including myself) ^_^
